This Community That I Love.

April 13, 2017

I have loved this community my entire life. Not just because I was born and raised here and not because of its beautiful landscape…but because of the amazing people that reside here. When I turned 30 years old something began to shift with me. For the first time, I wanted to help others around me in need. I wanted to make a difference and make our community just a little better. So I decided to involve myself in many things…boards, committees, and fundraising events…hoping to make an impact.  At the conclusion of many of these events, I felt exhausted yet fulfilled, happy and successful in my mission. I thought there was no way anything could top this feeling of complete joy in helping others in need in my community. This community that I love.

And then it happened. The day came where I was the one that needed help from my community. The day my brother’s alcohol addiction ended his life. For the first time, my family and I were the ones in need. That woman I was that could power through anything to help everyone else, was broken. I was no longer strong. I couldn’t go anywhere without breaking down in public. My Mother’s house needed repairs that were not in the budget. And my spirit was crushed with extreme grief. I have saved so many people in so many different ways…but I could not save my own little brother. I had failed.

And then it happened. One by one people began loving me and my family in all of our brokenness. Meals were delivered daily by different families. Cards, emails, messages, texts started pouring in by the hundreds. And though I could not respond to everyone…each message was like arms wrapped around me loving me in my sadness. Then the donations started to come. And contractors worked on my Mom’s house for free. This support was so overwhelming that it cannot be described with words. It was like I could feel this community coming around us and holding us up.

Now, over 3 months later my grief has turned into a strong passion for helping those who are haunted by addiction. And not just for those that are addicted, but for those families whom this impacts on a daily basis. This is why I have signed up to participate in the Jail and Bail to benefit Community Recovery Resources (CoRR) who’s mission is the same as mine. For those of you who have donated already…from the bottom of my heart Thank You. If you can help in any way, please visit and click on my page. Any amount is so appreciated.

Lastly, I was not and still not at my best and yet this community has loved me regardless. Because of this, I want to thank this community that I love for loving me back.


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